A glass of Cordon Bleu before go to bed, gosh ... i still need to work tomorrow morning! The taste is quite different with other Brandy, good one. I'm getting hot inside my body, can feel blood flowing fast within. Let's just call it a day, goodnight everyone =)


waa.. so blue meh haha

haha ... because monday blue =P
thought u lost in somewhere, u didnt update ur blog for ages la!

nice layout jason...too bad no more spamming on the box...T.T....
haha drink cognac...no wonder yesterday so early sleep...

lol rey ... sometimes cbox is out of control, so better put i off ;D

cbox is out of control? What do you mean? I am using cbox leh..

hey jienhau ... afraid of spam haha, especially those sensitive issue lo ... it's easier to trace back comment here, compared to cbox