Recently I'm quite addicted to a mini game, called Plants vs Zombies. It's like a tower defend game, in where you need to place various kinds of plants to prevent zombies from attacking your house. Every plant has their own attributes and function, so does the zombie. Quite a fun game to play, even my sister and jienhau, get addicted to it.

Adcenture mode

Besides defending zombies, side quest such as Zen Garden is fun too. In where you collect those special plants which dropped to you anytime whenever your play this game. Three gardens are available, which is the normal green house, night garden and aquarium, for different kind of plants. Tree of Wisdom is another part of this game, in where you feed it with special fertilizer in order to grow it, while tips being provided everytime you feed it. Here are some snapshots of the game.

Greenhouse for sunny plants

Night garden


Tree of Wisdom

Tree of Wisdom - growing in process ;)

Worth a try when you have time, but not during this exam period...
All the best for my friends, soon to finish up our finals ...

Well, Alvin, here is my 34 flags XD


I'm consider addicted a...nothing 2 do mahr...sure play...cute graphic anyway

where can download it???

hey bryan ... want me to become bad guy meh =P
i got it from my friend de wo ... but hopefully this might help

remember to download the keygen to play for full version


of course can play lo, girls like cute graphics

haha... I will download it after my final ^^... thx


I am 35 flag WAKAKKA !!

and I'm the lowest among my housemates xD

i wan play......

leo ...
i get fed up with survival d, getting harder and harder, lazy to play haha

rey ... go download =X