
Had my high-tea at Secret Recipe today, didn't realize they are so well-designed. Capture some pictures for it =) The carrot slice is so filling, I haven't finish digesting it until now...

*Hot Milk*

*Iced Lemon Tea*

*Carrot Slice*

*Meet Up of Two Friends*


Oohh.. now I saw the last picture - the soft toy which i thought is... emm... forget it.. =P

lol ... u thought is what?haha

believe me, you don't wanna know..
lense cleaner.. oopss.. sorry.. but really macam lah the fury part. kekekz =P

i want to know!!!
like what oh?im so curious ...

i love the song! meaningful to me~~

same to me =)

lol.. told you jor..
camera lense cleaner.. or do i call it as wipper? =P it look like lense cleaner haha?

i do put it inside my cam bag all the time!