29th Dec 08
Starring: My lovely family
Well ... my suggestion to have a family steamboat for grandma's birthday celebration. This is so interesting for everyone, not really a good idea to my mom, coz she has to prepare everything, which including cleaning after our steamboat HAHA...
A day before the steamboat, we went to tesco extra to look for those ingredients for steamboat, such as fish balls, veggies, mushrooms, sotong, mee etc etc ... it seems a lot, but it only cost us about RM30, with quantity and yet affordable for this bday celebration. ( since economic nowadays is fluctuating =P )
Everything has been prepared by my mom, while i was sleeping. But actually, i wish to help her ... but i just overslept =( it's true okay !??!
The fun has just begin --->
After that, i help to roast some prawns for my family. All i need is just prawns and a fire source, to have a nice and fresh supper =)
Fun time with my family for this weekend. Anticipating for the next steamboat =)
26th Dec 08
starring: evon, me
Woke up at 8am today, have my breakfast in sri serdang with evon. Thought can taste the spaniard pan mee there, but too bad it's only available at night =(
After that, we drive to KTM sri serdang, because we don't really know the exact location of SHELL HOUSE. Everything seems to be so fine and smooth, we manage to find a parking slot once we arrive. Then, we take turn to squeeze into KTM and travel to KL sentral.
Reach SHELL house at 12pm, an hour earlier for evon's interview at 1pm. Time flies, evon's was called in by the interviewer,before we manage to settle down.
30minutes later, it's my turn !! OMG ... damn nervous that time, because i didnt actually prepare much for this. Hope im able to act spontaneously, well human does react well when facing sudden shock.
My interviewer is a good lady, friendly and helpful. I was glad to be her interviewee, at least im happy and satisfied with the process, regardless the result of their decision.
Here comes the fun, RELAX !!
Gelato to indulge our taste bud =P slurrpp ...
Had a fun and interesting day in midvalley.
Rush back to Ipoh right after that, to have dinner with my fmaily =)
24th dec 08
starring: wai keat, shylin, keith, alvin, jason ng, me
Christmas eve celebration, went to ara d'sara to have our dinner. Gosh, cost me rm60+ per pax. The worst thing is, we are given only 2 choices !! fish chop and rib-eye with both rated at same price.
Well, of course i chose rib eye steak for my main dish. Try to eat as slow as i can, for this Agong's standard meal.
Took quite a large amount of photos that night, thanks to our professional camera man - jason ng !! Without him, we can't keep our night as memory.
After that, keith, alvin and i went to SS2 murni for a drink. It's weird to celebrate christmas eve there.
But at least, I'm not alone !! ^^
My friends ... Merry X'mas ...
25th Dec 08
Home alone for my 21st christmas. Everyone has their own plan, some travel to S'pore, some back to their home town, and maybe some, just home alone like what i'm doing now. Well at least, Keith is here in Kajang, someone who's going to accompany me for this whole day.
It's a 5days holiday, starting from thursday until next monday, but too bad, i have an interview on friday, it's stucked in between the break, so no point of going back hometown and rush back to KL again. Hopefully jienhau and alvin enjoy their s'pore trip, and DON'T FORGET my SOUVENIR !! ;)
Have to start my preparation on 2molo's interview, hopefully everything will be fine ...

20th Dec 2008
Starring: UnitensS ...
Thanks to annjie for giving me a ticket to MPO, which i have been searching for quite some time, never expect to get it from annjie a dat before the performance. Not forget to thank kokwei as well, for lending his blazer to me =)
A tiring day after 6hours of CIDB course in the morning until 330pm. But took a short nap before 5pm, because have to depart from here at 530pm, to have our dinner before entering the hall at 830pm.
Burger King for dinner, reasons? Fast Food, help to block our blood vessels to reduce blood circulating, just like how we save water?Whopper burger, grilled beef to help damaging my voice after few days of sorethroat. French fries which actually help me to increase the chance of getting heart attack as well, with is fried by using so called 'reused and recycled' oil.
Had our stomach filled, entering the hall. Manage to take some pictures before the usherer snatch my mobile phone and throw it down to the stage for 2 level height. Quite interesting and fast pace, not as slow as i expected earlier on, they did a great job on performing this LoTR theme syphonic, hands together for them.
Took quite some nice photos before leaving this 3 hours orchestra, since everyone is on their best suit for this event. No regret for coming to this performance although i'm actually quite tired. Thanks everyone for making it such a remarkable night. Hope everyone enjoyed it.
19th DEc 2008
Starring: Jh, me, kokwei, chan and wife, alvin, kiangwei, zhixin, keith
First of all, happy birthday to my brother patrick ho jien hau !! happy 21st bday, wish u healthy and happy always =)
Since he kept mentioning on chilis, and so we went to midvalley chilis to have a small celebration with him. So sorry to reach there an hour late than we promised, hope jienhau wont put that in heart XD
Our jienhau dai lou really got face lo, usually ppl bday only got one cake, but he is special, got 2 cakes !!! duno how much it cost us huh! But he seems to be happy and quite high that day, especially during our photo sessions, what a waste if someone didnt snap those and update in my blog =P
As usual, some lame jokes and quiz sessions after our meal, which outsiders would be hard to understand how our game works out. It requires a lot of observation and able to think ABnormally. But the good thing is, we never treat each other liek we are normal person HAHA.
p/s: Thanks jienhau for sponsoring this meal, had fun on it =)
12,13,14th Dec 08
Starring: Keith, Jienhau, Alvin, Kiki, Wing, Khoon, me and new friends
First time work in Pikom PC fair, recommended by alvin to work work for celframe, which i totally have no idea on what it is all about. But after some guidance from Erlina and Alvin, I guess i can handle this, for MONEY MONEY MONEY $.$
Woke up at 7.30, have few slides of gardenia+milk, to ensure that i have enough calsium to prevent bone crack later on ^^ Reach KLCC around 9am, the first news i heard actually surpise me, where 8 showgirls are working along with me. OMG !! can u imagine working along with 8 show girls??? I was kind of motivated, not only because of those show girls, but also the crowded environement there. Every sale is counted as our commision, to earn more for ''livings'', i have to talk a lot to persuade customers on this new product - celframe. It's very hard especially to fight against the well known Microsoft. Even sometimes i made mistakes, saying microsoft office instead of celframe office !! Everyone has been mindset by Microsoft =.=
''Celframe office, 99 ringgit for only 1 license!'' , ''Office suite 2008 sir, would u like to have a look??'', ''Buy 3 free 1 sir!!'', these are my favourite slogans used to promote celframe office, just like a sound recorder, keep playing the same thing everytime i saw customers pass by. That contribute to my ''post-pc fair effects'', which cause me to have sore throat and headache after work =( Not easy to earn for livings ... so don't simply waste money !!
Saw some familiar faces in PC fair, such as tingjie, ah fei, ryan, joshua, nick, gary, aaron, mark etc ... it's kind of excited when I saw them, it's just like when u were a prisoner and friends came to visit u, but of course, my days in PC fair is very happening and unlike in jail.
I only have 20minutes to have my lunch and dinner, unlike other show girls, they have 1 hour to eat !!! and their salary is much higher than me, i rather be a girl huh =.= 830pm is not a good time, because show girls can go back whereas, we have to work until 930pm. But i enjoy walking along the KLCC garden to car park after work, with my friends, the feel is so different with other days, wish to shout out loud - I'm Off !!
9th Dec 08 - 1.13am
Thought can go to bed as soon as i posted up the previous blog, but then ... things just stucked into my mind all the sudden ... what happen to me? maybe i think too much about my future or what? 2nd week my of new semester, lot of works coming up in no time, pc fair job, pingpong tournament, internship, restart my weight gaining program, bla bla bla ... But i think no one can succeed in their life without some challenges, and of course few nights of insomnia right? Perhaps i just think too much, let it be ... like how beattles keep on emphasize in their song.
Fatty keith, say gona sleep soon, but in fact still surfing net there !! grrrh ... so obvious that u dun wan to be my listener !!
Feeling better after express myself here ... Goodnight ~
8th Dec 09
Well ... what a weekend, with only a class on friday and monday is a holiday !! Actually i should have drive back to hometown, but thinking to save petrol, i rather stay here intead, and use those money in shopping XD
Planned to stay in aunty's house which is located in bandar kinrara to have some 'warm family feel' during this lonely weekend, got the chance to visit my brother, and cousins there, espcially my cute little nephews =) What a waste, i didnt snap any picture of her this time, will show u guys how cute she is next time i promise. Thanks to my grandma, she cook us nice food with 'lou fo tong'. For a city boy like me,i used to eat outside even in my hometown, because my parents never cook, so i miss lou fo tong a lot.
Back to shopping, for this year, i only manage to get myself 2 pieces of Tee, one short pants and a pair of sneakers. Perhaps i become a money saver now, it's just so hard to pull out few hundreds for shopping, but when comes to EAT, everything is worth its price!!
Here is some snapshots for my 'treasure hunt' from midvalley and sunway.
1st Dec 08
A new semester has begin! After a 3 weeks break, which is not enough to cover back a 3 months semester, do the maths =)
Take a look at my timetable, what can i say? A lot of 3 hours gaps in between, what can i do in that period i wonder =/
Another heavy semester for me, 7 subjects again. Well this sem is a bit different, or should i say ODD? haha .. when u take 4 subjects like POM, EIS, sports and tech comm in the same semester @@ i still havent know how heavy it can be, but still me and my buddies decided to take this challenge, everything will be fine when it comes i guess, hopefully ......
p/s: KEITH !! when only learn japanese?!?!?!?!?!?